Zinke Environment Consulting for Central and Eastern Europe | |
Adresse: Zinke Environment Consulting for Central and Eastern Europe Kalksburger Str. 6/4 1230 Wien Wien | |
Telefon: +43-1-9241196![]() | |
Web: www.zinke.at![]() | |
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Wichtige Begriffe: Zinke, environment, integrated management, ecology, Danube, mining, dam, navigation, protected areas, RBM, WFD, Sava, Tisza, Drava, Balkan, transboundary, capacity building, wetland, restoration, river, nature conservation, cross-sectors, stakeholder | |
![]() Alexander Zinke | |
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Beschreibung: Zinke Environment Consulting for Central and Eastern Europe | |
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UID-Nummer: ATU45986606 | |
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Firmen-Infos: ZINKE ENVIRONMENT CONSULTING for CEE is an international consultancy firm for environment, based in Vienna and registered in 1998. It is specialised on nature and environment projects (water management) in the entire Danube Basin (Germany to Black Sea) and the entire Balkan region. Main professional subjects are 1. Integrated river basin and wetland management (transboundary co-operation, Water Framework Directive implementation, ecology/conservation/restoration); 2. Management of protected areas (upgrading of ecosystem and visitor management, nature tourism, quality verification); 3. Water-related socio-economic issues (river engineering, hydro-energy, flood protection, water quality/pollution, recreation/tourism, mining, navigation) and 4. Cross-border cooperation, institution-building, environmental awareness raising and public participation. Since 1990, we co-operate with various environmental experts and institutions in Central and South-Eastern Europe. We usually work with (often lead) multi-disciplinary and international teams, commissioned by international clients (e.g. EC, UNDP, WB, ICPDR, UNEP, WWF, BMLFUW, consultant firms). For further information please see www.zinke.at | |
Suchwolke: | |
Wirtschaftsgruppen: Umweltdienste und Umwelttechnik, Information und Kommunikation | |
Branchen: Unternehmensberatung, Umweltschutz, Unternehmensberatung und Informationstechnologie, Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung | |
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: Externe Qualitätssicherung in Projekten, Managementberatung, Organisationsentwicklung, Strategieberatung, Umweltmanagement, Umweltmonitoring, Umweltschutzberatung und -planung, Umweltschutzuntersuchungen | |
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