
Sino Cement Spare Parts Supplier Co., Ltd

Adresse: Sino Cement Spare Parts Supplier Co., Ltd
Hans-Sachs-Gasse 10-12
1180 Wien, Währing
Telefon: 43 1 404 231arrowRight
Web: www.sinospare.comarrowRight
Website Screenshot: Sino Cement Spare Parts Supplier Co., Ltd - Cement Plant Spare Parts Manufacturer Supplier in China - SINOSPARE - Date: 2023-06-26 10:21:37
Sino Cement Spare Parts Supplier Co., Ltd - Cement Plant Spare Parts Manufacturer Supplier in China - SINOSPARE
Wichtige Begriffe: SINOSPARE is a leading global cement plant spare parts manufacturer of maintenance, repair & operation MRO solutions for the cement industry. Our main products are rotary kilns, ball mills, roller press, stackers & reclaimers, rotary feeders, telescopic loading spouts, filter bags, dust collectors, storage vessels, finned tubes and headers for boilers, heat exchangers, fans, roots blowers, etc.
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Firmen-Infos: SINOSPARE is a leading global cement plant spare parts manufacturer of maintenance, repair & operation MRO solutions for the cement industry. Our main products are rotary kilns, ball mills, roller press, stackers & reclaimers, rotary feeders, telescopic loading spouts, filter bags, dust collectors, storage vessels, finned tubes and headers for boilers, heat exchangers, fans, roots blowers, etc. Founded in 2009, We have established a supply chain of Chinese OEM to overseas factories in spare parts and auxiliary equipment for cement production lines due to our dedication to customer oriented innovation and good partnerships. Our QC manager travels all over China through out the year, inspecting every ordered cargo before ex-factory to ensure its material, dimension, mechanical property, chemical property, package methods, etc., conform to the requirements. Meanwhile, our QC staff are always ready for the engineers from customers for the site inspection if it is necessary. We are committed to providing the most competitive spare parts and economic solutions. Now we\'ve served most of cement plants in the Middle East, Southeastern Asia and Northern Africa. For more information, please visit our Wedsite.






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Wirtschaftsgruppen: Baustoffe Bauteile, Maschinen, Bauindustrie
Branchen: Zement, Normteile für den Maschinenbau, Baumaschinen und -geräte, Landmaschinenteile
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: Betonförderanlagen, Baumaschinenvermietung
Spez. Produkte: ---
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