SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH | |
Adresse: SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH Teslastrasse 4 8074 Grambach Steiermark | |
Telefon: +43 (0) 316 / 409 426![]() | |
Web:![]() | |
Wichtige Begriffe: scotty, video, surveillance, aero, BLOS, government, satellite, Inmarsat, police, patrol, coast guard, border, teleconference, airborne, briefings, beyond line of sight, reconnaissance, peace keeping, arinc | |
![]() Bild von SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH | |
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Beschreibung: ScottyGroup | |
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UID-Nummer: --- | |||
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Firmen-Infos: SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH specializes in beyond line-of-sight video conferencing and surveillance from remote and difficult environments, in the field, on vehicles, at sea, even on flying aircraft. SCOTTY can send and receive audio, video and data for reconnaissance, surveillance, support, command, and control applications. | |||
Suchwolke: | |||
Wirtschaftsgruppen: Information und Kommunikation | |||
Branchen: Telekommunikation | |||
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: Services für Telekommunikationsnetzwerke | |||
Spez. Produkte: Kommunikationslösungen | |||
Marken: --- | |||
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