Koerner Chemieanlagenbau Ges.m.b.H | |
Adresse: Koerner Chemieanlagenbau Ges.m.b.H Am Bahnhof 26 8551 Wies Steiermark | |
Telefon: +43-3465-2513![]() | |
Web: www.kvk-koerner.com![]() | |
Wichtige Begriffe: pickling tank, galvanizing plant, galvanizing equipment, hot dip galvanizing, kvk, koerner, flux tank, preflux tank, acid tank, degreasing tank, metal pickling , tube pickling , stainless steel pickling , pickling equipment, acid-proof coatings, surface t | |
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Email: office@koerner.at | |
Beschreibung: KVK Koerner supplier of turnkey pickling lines for Hot Dip Galvanizing - Tube and Pipe Pickling - Stainless Steel and Nonferrous Metals | |
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Firmen-Infos: KVK Koerner is a supplier with the following products. Pickling tank and galvanizing plant, galvanizing equipment as well as hot dip galvanizing. KVK Koerner Austria is a supplier of flux tank, preflux tank and acid tank as well as degreasing tank. Proofe | |||
Suchwolke: | |||
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Branchen: Chemieanlagenbau | |||
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: --- | |||
Spez. Produkte: Engineering und Beratung, Verzinkungsanlagen, Rohrindustrie, Edelstahl- und Nicht-Eisenmetalle | |||
Marken: --- | |||
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