
De Silva´s kiteresortkalpitiya

Adresse: De Silva´s kiteresortkalpitiya
UntereHauptsraße 2/5
7100 Neusiedl am See
Telefon: 069911951589arrowRight
Web: www.surfschool-srilanka.comarrowRight
Website Screenshot: De Silva´s kiteresortkalpitiya - Kitesurfing school in Sri Lanka | Kite Center Kalpitiya: DE SILVA - Date: 2023-06-26 10:22:43
De Silva´s kiteresortkalpitiya - Kitesurfing school in Sri Lanka | Kite Center Kalpitiya: DE SILVA
Wichtige Begriffe: kitebording srilanka-kiteschule srilanka-windsurfing school srilanka-kiteschool srilanka-accommodation kalpitiya-kite kurse ab 49€ srilanka-windsurfen srilanka-windsurfurlaub srilanka, kitesurf urlaub srilanka, kitesurfing urlaub srilanka
De Silva´s kiteresortkalpitiya
Bild von De Silva´s kiteresortkalpitiya
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Beschreibung: Kiteboarding and Windsurfing school Sri Lanka
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N 16.8333333 E 47.9333333
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Firmen-Infos: Kiteboarding and Windsurfing school Sri Lanka The DE SILVA´s KiteResortKalpitiya is located at the Kalpitiya peninsula, surrounded by the very natural and original North-West-Coast of Sri Lanka. Kalpitiya was a hidden place for the past 30 years and now its being recognized as one of the best places for Kiteboarding and Windsurfing! Kalpitiya by far has more windy days than any other Kiteboarding / Windsurfing spot of Sri Lankan coasts. Our very well experienced and qualified staff IKO/VDWS will introduce you in your new watersport and gives you tips for your advancement. Start now with your new lifestyle feeling! Accommodation The cabanas are built separately and each of them contains a terrace. The opportunity to choose between two different categories, deluxe and standard, is given. The deluxe category is more superior, by containing a bathroom inside the cabana and more convenient furniture. For the guests of the standard category, tended sanitary facilities are built separated on the territory of the resort just a few meters away from the cabanas. Board The prices for the cabanas include half-board since a stay of four nights and more-, consists of native breakfast with fresh fruit and traditional dinner (rice and curry) exc. Alcoholic drinks. On request BBQ can be organized especially with fresh fish and seafood. srilanka-dinner-kiteresort. Sports/Entertainment Kite and Windsurfing in tropical conditions means you only need some sunblock and your boardshort. Daytrips to cultural sights, as well as safaris or adventure´s trips, will provide amusing entertainment. Also longer trips can be organized as desired. A trip to Kalpitiya town takes only 10 minutes by car. The Indian Ocean sets the habitat for numerous dolphins and wales. During wintertime these majestic mammalians travel across the coast of Sri Lanka. Therefor it is possible to watch them very close in enormous colonies.



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Wirtschaftsgruppen: Hobby und Freizeit, Sonstige, Schulen
Branchen: Aquaristik, Sonstiges, Schulen und Pädagogische Institute
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: gaastra, , kalpitiya, gastra, taobu
Spez. Produkte: Kite Kurse, Kite Course, Windsurfing, Windsurf Center, Windsurf-Verleih, Anfänger, Beginner, Fortgeschrittene, Privatstunde, kitebording, windsurfen, SUP-kiteschule srilanka kitesurfing srilanka-kitesurfen srilanka
Marken: Gaastra, Tabou, F2, RRD, RRD Kites, RRD Boards, RRD Sails, Tabou Boards, Gaastra Sails/Segel, Boom, Gabelbaum, Mast, Trapez verwendet Cookies für eine optimale Nutzung der Webseite, sowie für Marketingzwecke: Cookie Richtlinie

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