Bureau for Numerical Software | |
Adresse: Bureau for Numerical Software Heinrichstr. 36 8010 Graz Steiermark | |
Telefon: (+43 316) 380 5166![]() | |
Web: www.kfunigraz.ac.at/imawww/borzi/index.html![]() | |
Wichtige Begriffe: Development, improvement, analysis and consulting of software for simulation and computing for fluid dynamics, structural analysis, mechanics, statistics and financial systems with quality assurance. Customers AVL List GmbH, | |
Angebote: | |
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Email: alfio.borzi@uni-graz.at | |
Beschreibung: Alfio Borzi\\' homepage | |
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Produkte und Dienstleistungen: --- | |||
Spez. Produkte: Development, improvement, analysis and consulting of software for simulation and computing for fluid dynamics, structural analysis, mechanics, statistics and financial systems with quality assurance. Customers AVL List GmbH, | |||
Marken: --- | |||
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