Adresse: Hofhaymer Allee 40a 5020 Nonntal Salzburg | |
Telefon: +43 662 829500-0![]() | |
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Wichtige Begriffe: real estates, city, land, salzburg, buy, rent, kurz, property, apartment, luxury apartment, house, mansion, realty, castle, farmhouse | |
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Beschreibung: Kurz Real Estate in City and Country Salzburg | |
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Firmen-Infos: Find information about wonderful real estates in the city and land of Salzburg. No matter if you want to buy or rent, Kurz Real Estates has your apartment and luxury apartment and also house property as well as realty or commercial property. Also find your luxury property like a castle or mansion as well as a farmhouse or salesroom. Real Estates Kurz For your apartment and house in den city of Salzburg an the Salzburg Region. | |||
Suchwolke: | |||
Wirtschaftsgruppen: Finanzen und Immobilien | |||
Branchen: Immobilienhandel, Genossenschaften,G. für Wohnungen, Siedlungen und Bau | |||
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: --- | |||
Spez. Produkte: apartment, luxury apartment, house, mansion, realty, castle, farmhouse | |||
Marken: Kurz Real Estates | |||
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