Adcon Telemetry GmbH | |
Adresse: Adcon Telemetry GmbH Inkustraße 24 3400 Klosterneuburg Niederösterreich | |
Telefon: +43-2243-382800![]() | |
Web:![]() | |
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Wichtige Begriffe: Wetterstationen, Pflanzenschutz, Bewässerung, Bewässerungssteuerung, Leckagerkennung, Pegelmessung, Niederschlagsmessung, Hydrographie, weather station, plant protection, irrigation, valve control, leak detection, flood prevention, Telemetry, radio | |
![]() Adcon Telemetry GmbH | |
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Beschreibung: Adcon Telemetry Smart Wireless solutions | |
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Firmen-Infos: Adcon provides wireless solutions for agriculture, meteorology and hydrographics. Wherever data needs to be collected, but no power is available, where data should be collected more frequently than once per week or once per day, than Adcon\\'s solar powered equipment is the right choice. Adcon offers radio solutions, running on UHF frequencies (430.470MHz) with 10 and 500mW output power, as well as GSM and GPRS solutions. The major application of Adcon\\'s wireless technology are weather and soil moisture stations for disease control and precision irrigation. For this purpose Adcon also provides web-enabled software, which offers disease models for many diseases in grapes, orchards, and arable crops. Major clients of Adcon equipment are companies like Chiquita, Dole, Kendall-Jackson, BASF and Syngenta. For water management Adcon provides ground and surface water level monitoring solutions, pipeline pressure sensors, leak detection equipment, pump monitoring and otehr solutions to hydrographical services, municipal water and waste water supply companies, civil engineers, construction companies and others. Adcon\\'s software addVANTAGE Pro 5 is a complete data visualization, processing and distribution platform. It runs on an embedded Oracle database, and can be extended to work with over 1.000 stations and give simulatneous access to hundreds of users. | |||
Suchwolke: | |||
Wirtschaftsgruppen: Landwirtschaft und Forstwirtschaft, Umweltdienste und Umwelttechnik, Natur und Pflanzen | |||
Branchen: Messgeräte für die Umwelttechnik, Messstationen für die Umwelt, Schädlingsbekämpfungsgeräte | |||
Produkte und Dienstleistungen: Umweltüberwachungssysteme | |||
Spez. Produkte: Sensoren für Temperatur und Luftfeuchte, Windrichtung und -geschwindigkeit, Solarstrahlung, Regenmesser, Bodenfeuchtesensoren, Druck und Pegelsensoren | |||
Marken: Adcon, Vaisala, Kipp & Zonen, Pronamic, Schiltknecht, Sentek | |||
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