
university of vienna in Österreich

Die Universität Wien ist eine der ältesten und renommiertesten Universitäten Europas. Sie bietet eine breite Palette an Studienmöglichkeiten in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaften, Geisteswissenschaften, Rechtswissenschaften, Medizin und Technik. Die Universität Wien ist ein Ort des Lernens, des Austauschs und der Forschung. Hier werden die besten akademischen Programme angeboten, die den Studierenden helfen, ihre Ziele zu erreichen.

Institute of Anatomy University of Vienna

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Anatomy - University of...

of the Institute for Egyptology Vienna University Austria)

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
of the Institute for Egyptology, Vienna...

Institute of Rational Mechanics Vienna University of Technology

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Rational Mechanics - Vienna...

Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures Vienna...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Mechanics of Materials and Structures - Vienna University

Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry Vienna University of...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry - Vienna University

Institute of Materials Chemistry Vienna University of Technology

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Materials Chemistry - Vienna...

IECB. Institute of Ecology and Conservation Biology University of...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Biology / University of Vienna

Medical University of Vienna Institute of Medical Cybernetics and...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Medical University of Vienna - Institute...

Institute for Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering Vienna...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Resources Engineering - Vienna University of...

Institute for Steel Structures Vienna University of Technology

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Steel Structures - Vienna University of...

Institute for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering Vienna...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Traffic Engineering - Vienna University of...

Institut für Finanzwirtschaft der Universität Finance...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Finance Group, University of Vienna

This is thepage of the Institute of Astronomy at the University...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
AstroServerVienna - Inst.f.Astronomy, Vienna - maindex

page of the Institute of Light Weight Design and Structural...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
ILFB), Vienna University of Technology,...

Institut für Botanik und Botanischer Garten der...

1030 Wien / Wien 3. Bezirk (Landstraße)
Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden, University of Vienna

Fakultät f Mathematik Universität Wien Faculty of...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Faculty of Mathematics @ University of...

Website des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik der...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
department of finno-ugrian studies at the university...

Institut f Pharmazeutische Chemie d Universität Departments...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Departments of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University...

The International University

1070 Wien / Neubau
private university in Vienna, provides outstanding academic

Institut f Aquatische Ökotoxikologie d Veterinärmed....

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
ecotoxicology university of veterinary medicine...

Technische Universität Wien Institut für...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
and Maintenance - Vienna University of Technology

Fakultät f Geowissenschaften Geographie u Astronomie...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
University of Vienna - Universität Wien

institut für recht religion universität wien institute...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
law & religion, university of vienna

Webster University Vienna

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Webster University Vienna


9861 Eisentratten / Leoben

Institut f Medizinische Statistik u Dokumentation d...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Department of Medical Statistics Vienna

Institute of Computer Science University of Innsbruck

6080 Innsbruck-Igls / Innsbruck
Institute of Computer Science University of...


1130 Wien / Hietzing
 Wertung: 4 - 5 Erfahrungsberichte 

Fachhochschule Salzburg GmbH Salzburg University of Applied...

5431 Kuchl
Salzburg GmbH Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

BraResearch Institute Vienna University Medical School

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
BraResearch Institute, Vienna University Medical School

SMBS University of Salzburg Business School

5412 Puch bei Hallein
Salzburg Management GmbH University of Salzburg Business School

Institut f Pharmakognosie d Universität Department of...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Department of Pharmacognosy Vienna

Sound of Vienna Konzertveranstaltungs GmbH

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Sound of Vienna

Institute of Immunology

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Immunology

Institut für Pflanzenschutz Institute of Plant Protection...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Plant Protection - BOKU Vienna

Wien Hotel Vienna Hotel Hotel Pension the center of Vienna...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Hotel, Vienna Hotel, Hotel Pension the center of Vienna

Vienna Partners & Vienna School of Negotiation

1070 Wien / Wien 7. Bezirk (Neubau)
Vienna Partners & Vienna School of Negotiation

SMBS Salzburg Management GmbH University of Salzburg Business...

5020 Salzburg
Die SMBS University of Salzburg Business School bietet

Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry

Vienna School of Coffee e.U.

1090 Wien / Wien 9. Bezirk (Alsergrund)
(Speciality Coffee Assn. of Europe). Prüfungen zum Level

Wilma Krynicki Independent organiser for Usborne Books at Home...

1220 Wien / Aspern
Bücherparties, Great selection of award winning children?s


1010 Wien / Innere Stadt

Institut für Meeresbiologie der Universität of the...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
of the Department of Marine Biology Vienna

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing TU Vienna

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - TU

FH fachhochschule fachhochschule wels university of applied...

9361 St. Salvator bei Friesach / Wels
fachhochschule wels, university of applied sciences,...

FH fachhochschule fachhochschule wels university of applied...

9361 St. Salvator bei Friesach / Wels
fachhochschule wels, university of applied sciences,...

Institut f Computer Wissenschaften Universität CS SC at the...

5301 Eugendorf / Salzburg
CS & SC at the University of Salzburg, Austria

iaik institute for applied information processing and...

8074 Raaba / Graz
communications, graz university of technology

Institut f Anglistik u Amerikanistik d Universität English...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
English Department - Vienna University

Open University Business School in MBA The OU Business School

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Business, School, Open, University


1020 Wien / Leopoldstadt

VIENNA ENTERTAINMENT Member of IVG-Holding Internationale...

1010 Wien / Wien 1. Bezirk (Innere Stadt)

Apartment Vienna

1100 Wien / Wien 10. Bezirk (Favoriten)
Apartment Vienna Far away but still atwohnung, wien

Institut für Theologie und Geschichte des christlichen Ostens

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt of vienna

Sound of Vienna präsentiert Strauss & Mozart Konzerte im...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Information & Tickets Sound of Vienna im Kursalon Wien,...

EC3 E-Commerce Competence Center

1010 Wien / Wien 1. Bezirk (Innere Stadt)
business and university partners in Vienna/Austria.

OBSN.COM, Airbrush, Helm, Helmlackierung, Helmdesign, Lackierer,...

1110 Wien / Wien 11. Bezirk (Simmering)
 Wertung: 5 - 2 Erfahrungsberichte 
Helm, Skihelm Design, House of Kolor, Lackierung, Auto,

Vienna Sound Vienna Light Gerhard Gutscher GmbH

3021 Pressbaum
Vienna Sound Vienna Light

Vienna Comedy Club

1190 Gemeindebezirk Döbling / Wien, Döbling
The home of live international Stand-up Comedy in Vienna


1110 Wien / Wien 11. Bezirk (Simmering)
Ben Sherman, Fred Perry, Lonsdale London, Tommy Hilfiger, Eterna, Seidensticker, polo, polos,...

Woka Lamps Vienna

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
exklusive Lampen - reproduction of Wiener Werkstaette lamps

Vienna Apartment Center

1010 Wien / Wien 1. Bezirk (Innere Stadt)
Apartments in the center of Vienna. We rent full furnished

Shermin Apartments Vienna

1040 Wien / Wieden
 Wertung: 5 - 1 Erfahrungsbericht 
located in the city centre of vienna with nice apartment for

Elfi Rauch Vienna

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Elfi Rauch Vienna

ALVORADA world of coffee

2334 Vösendorf-Süd / Vösendorf
 Wertung: 5 - 1 Erfahrungsbericht 
ALVORADA world of coffee

Pringle of Scotland

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Pringle of Scotland

Pletterbauer Fine Vienna

1190 Wien / Döbling
Produktion und Handel mit Feinkost

Gebhart Blazek Berber.carpets + textiles, Berber + Designer...

8010 Graz
collections of JAN KATH + RUG STAR. Both of them have

Nailfactory-Vienna Rescheisse KG

1190 Wien / Döbling

Holiday Inn Vienna South

1100 Wien / Favoriten
Wien Hotels Holiday Inn Vienna South

Lachyoga Oesterreich, Vienna Academy of Laughter, Lachen lieben...

1090 Wien / Wien 9. Bezirk (Alsergrund)
Lachyoga Workshops Lachyoga Training Lach-Seminare Lach-Training Lachclub

TON 4 Records Vienna

1230 Wien / Wien 23. Bezirk (Liesing)
management, digital distribution of music, music videos, videoclips

Institute of Applied Microbiology/Vienna-Institute für...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Institute of Applied Microbiology/Vienna-Institute

Institut für angewandte Genetik und ZAG Zentrum fuer...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
Genetik, Center of Applied Genetics Vienna

WOKA LAMPS VIENNA great lighting design exklusive Lampen...

1010 Wien / Innere Stadt
exklusive Lampen - reproduction of Wiener Werkstaette lamps verwendet Cookies für eine optimale Nutzung der Webseite, sowie für Marketingzwecke: Cookie Richtlinie

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